Day Camp
For 2021, Kingman, Pratt and Barber Counties are working together to host a Day Camp. The fun filled day will be June 2nd at Camp Mennoscah near Murdock (in Kingman County).
A fun filled day was had in spite of high water on the river (preventing canoeing and fishing) and rain just before time to swim in the poll. Check out some of the photos below.
Barber County participants included Kynlee, Gyp Hill Pioneers; Kenadie, Gyp Hill Pioneers; Jemma, Gyp Hill Pioneers; Boyd, Gyp Hill Pioneers; Breckyn, Stateline; Janda, Stateline; Keagan, Stateline; Callen, Stateline; Emersyn, Gyp Hill Pioneers; Dani, Gyp Hill Pioneers; Jancey, Stateline; Cara, Cloverleaf; Chloe, Cloverleaf; Counselors: Bo, Stateline; Keaton, Stateline; Easton, Cloverleaf; Jessica, Cloverlear; Rhyan, Sunflower; and County Extension Agents, Justin Goodno and Robin Eubank-Callis.

These are the counselors for the day! They showed everybody how to roll with the punches and keep the kids involved.
Thank you to this great group of volunteers. They made the classes run smooth, too photos (more coming to this page soon), and prepared lunch.
Thank you to Sohpia Dawson, Ogallala Commons Summer Intern; Amanda Corr, Stateline; Melissa Mixon, Gyp Hill Pioneers; Paula Doman, Gyp Hill Pioneers; Connie Rooks, Cloverleaf; and Robyn Whitaker, Nurse at Camp and Cloverleaf. Thankfully everybody stayed safe at camp!
Day Campers learned how they could generate the energy to turn fruit, juice and ice into a refreshing smoothie.